Diploma In Nutrition & Dietetics

Diploma In Nutrition & Dietetics

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Diploma In Nutrition & Dietetics

It is a course that equips students not only with the knowledge of science of foods that helps in assessing, diagnosing and treating health problems at an individual level but also  to solve them at public health level.

Besides, the interaction of the nutrients present in these foods, with drugs and other foods is also learnt. In addition, culinary skills are also acquired that can be used in a hotel industry and / or converted into a source of livelihood.

After successfully completion of the course you will become Dietitian, who are qualified and regulated healthcare professionals who play an important role in the nutritional management of dietary and nutritional related health problems. They play a crucial role in helping to improve the health of others at an individual and wider public health level. Dietitians use the most up-to-date research relating to food, health and disease which they translate into practical advice, enabling people to improve their health.

Go with your passion by taking admission and make large impact in improving the health of the society to enjoy a brighter future.

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